
I am starting a series of portraits, of hands. The way our hands tell our stories, of us, of our histories. It is another way of storytelling, and of expressing who we are. I am asking people to show me how they think their hands best say something about them.

Huge thanks to Lynne and Barbara for letting me draw them despite their reservations !




The hill


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A view from the composition ‘Lull’  about the long hot days of summer.

Now it is winter.

I came back to watch the rise of the hill, the curve of the track.


Fun at Sainsburys

A composition from our Christmas dinner at Sainsburys. A great lunch after a mornings work along the burn. I was asked to write something that contained the jokes from the crackers…….!!


Where do cows go on Saturday?

The works Christmas dinner

Sherlock Bones, she laughs.

You drop them a line,

a tour round the scheme,

open toad.

Turkey and all the trimmings,

he’s always stuffed.


bin bags,

paper hats too small for our heads.

The shoppers eye us,

a mumble bee of trolleys.

Doyouthinkhesawus ?


Cheers !

As we clink Irn Bru.

Put some bread under the gorilla

and a chipolata too.

An unexploded bomb, a present left over from the war,

pull the cracker,

Boom….. Boom….

Merry Christmas !


2014-12-02 14.30.46        2014-12-02 14.32.00